No Good News

Monday, November 28, 2005

And she's a college student!?

I think that I may have just caught sight of the winner of the next Darwin award. Here I am, diligently working at Sinclair library making sure no one steals the printer paper when I decide to make a brief trip to the lavatory. On my way there I pass by the elevators only to see a rather husky lady wrestling with the elevators doors and I don't mean sticking her arm in between the doors so they'll reopen. I mean this lady was physically forcing the doors open. Like I was suddenly transported into a Bruce Willis action flick, with the grunting, the wedging of various body parts in various positions so she could keep any advantage she gains in her epic struggle. Of course, I stop to watch, it's not this often I see a chubby person work this hard for anything, except maybe the last Ho-Ho. Well, after 10-15 seconds (which seems short but is, in fact, an eternity when one's making an ass of themselves) she manages to sqeeze all her rolls into the elevator. Curious as to how much effort she's managed to save herself altogether (afterall, I'd do the same if the other option is hike 20 flights of stairs) I decide to do some stairmastering of my own and ascend to the uppermost uppermost of our library. All the way to the third floor.

Of course, the story doesn't end there. I wanted a good look at this person, mainly because it's funnier when you also have a face to laugh at. Problem.. I don't know where she went! There's only two floors she could have gone to so where is she? Upon closer inspection, I notice that there's no evalating noises coming from the elevator. So I waddle on down to the bottom floor only to see her forcing her way back out of the elevator! Man, sometimes this job just rocks


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